Our Costa Rican Hallmark Trip
A guide to our adventures in Costa Rica
Day 1: Arrive in San José
Day 2: Drive to Arenál, tour/stay at Don Juan's Farm
Day 3: Tour Farm, Zipline, go to Ecotermales Hot Springs, stay at Don Juan's Farm
Day 4: Leave Don Juan's Farm, drive to La Selva, experiment/hike at La Tirimbina, explore/stay at La Selva
Day 5: Leave La Selva, drive to Tres Equis for Homestay, stay at Homestay
Day 6: Visit Fresy's Finca, stay at Tres Equis
Day 7: Help build Escuela del Sol, stay at Tres Equis
Day 8: Leave Tres Equis, White Water Raft on the Pacuare River, drive/stay at the Caribbean
Day 9: Hike and boat at Manzanillo, drive/stay at San José
Day 10: Leave Costa Rica
The whole trip was an entirely different experience to what we're used to. The whole country was beautiful, and the effort to preserve and share nature was evident everywhere. My favorite part of the trip was the Homestays, where we stayed with a Tico family for three nights. It was so fun getting to know our family, and being their guests in their everyday lives. Learning how to communicate with them and play with the toddler was the most memorable part of our trip, and we never thought we'd get to the point where we'd cry when we left. But we did! We miss them a lot, and will never forget them.