Coppery-headed Emerald Hummingbird:
Elvira Cupreiceps
Body: It is a small hummingbird, only measuring 7.6 centimeters in length and 3 grams. The male has a copper crown and lower body, with a green belly, while the female has green wings and spots on her sides and a white belly. Both male and female have short, uncurved bills.
Behavior: It feeds on nectar and small invertebraes. Because its beak is short, it eats nectar from relatively small flowers. During mating season, males form 'leks' at the edge of forests, where they group together and engage in competitive displays to attract females.
Population: The Coppery-headed Emerald Hummingbird is classifyed as Least Concerned on the population spectrum. It is very common at middle elevations on both coasts.
Song: Click this link to hear the high, short chirps of the Coppery-headed Emerald:
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